The Jewish Supremacy Court
by Clay Farrell
Something you have not heard much about yet but will hear a little about the rest of this month is the Senate confirmation hearings of President Obama’s second Supreme Court nomination, Solicitor General Elena Kagan. The Senate confirmation hearings began this week and the Constitution-mandated nomination confirmation proceeding, which is headed by the Senate Judiciary Committee, will go through the motions of a question-and-answer, dog and pony show, prior to the official Senate nomination confirmation in mid-July.
With a Judiciary Committee, which is over 60% Democrat, and Senate, which is almost 60% Democrat, this nomination is not at risk of failure for many reasons beyond a Democrat-controlled process. Another is the overall popularity of President Obama. But regardless, this Supreme Court Justice nomination will be, if you excuse my deliberately contemporary urban expression, another slam-dunk for Obama. But that is not necessarily because of the Obaminator’s popularity or the Democrat-controlled Senate.
For sure there has been lot of other news dominating the controlled-media agenda in recent months, including the Gulf of Mexico oil spill and news regarding the war in Afghanistan. But that is nothing more than a coincidental and convenient distraction from Elena Kagan’s nomination.
Ultimately nothing would make any difference with this nomination. And I can assure you that Presidential popularity, Senate political predisposition, and less-than-convenient news distractions, would not stop it. The fact is that Elena Kagan is yet another Jewish appointment to the Supreme Court that has had a virtually non-stop Jewish presence for almost 100 years now.
The Jewish appointments to the Supreme Court did not start until the 20th century when Jewish influence in this country really solidified. You do not need to be a historian to really footnote the time period in which Jewish influence on Washington became overwhelmingly obvious and Supreme Court appointments reflected this influence.
The political Zionist movement was around for decades, centuries if you want to go Rabbinical on us, and the concept of the Diaspora
even longer. Jewish influence in Washington correlates with both. Subsequently, so does Jewish influence and dominance within the controlled mass-media. The support Britain and the United States gave to Zionism led to the 1917 Balfour Declaration which created Israel. As we will see, that too has connections to Jewish appointments to the US Supreme Court. The support and traction Israel received throughout its life came as Jewish influence in Washington and London grew. With this, so came the increased frequency of Jewish representation on the Supreme Court.
All of the Jewish Supreme Court Justices were appointed in the 20th century or beyond. It was not until the 20th century that our federal government, the system of government set up by our
Founding Fathers, became terminally corrupt. Two completely fratricidal World Wars claiming the lives of some of the best human and genetic stock our race has ever produced, the rise of the near-monopoly Jewish ownership of our mass-media, the rise of Israel, the rise of the United States government’s complete, unwavering support and obedience to Israel, all happened in the 20th century.
There was a brief Jewish absence on the Supreme Court starting in the late 1960’s. But it was precisely that period of American history, the period during and following the culturally turbulent and even socially revolutionary 1960’s and 1970’s, that the Jewish dominance, ownership, and control of our mass media began to manifest to a point of irrefutable potency. It was this period of American history that Jewish monopoly-control of our mass media grew to the point it is now; a point of sacrosanct superiority. The absence of direct Jewish influence on the Supreme Court paled in importance to this monumental Jewish-achievement.
My point is that Ginsburg, Breyer, and now Kagan, are merely examples of the deliberate and successful aftermath of twenty years of increased Jewish influence on our society. The very important Supreme Court “Jewish seat”, remained empty for a couple of decades until Bill Clinton obliged with his two Jewish appointments. The fact that BOTH of his appointments were Jewish was not even a topic for debate or concern. And neither will it be a point of concern now as Elena Kagan is ushered onto the Supreme Court, the THIRD Jew to sit on the current Supreme Court.
This is not only a monumental testament of Jewish-achievement it is a colossal failure for the rest of us. European-Americans, every one of us, share in the responsibility of this failure and we need to understand how and why it happened. But first we also need to put it into perspective and understand what having a disproportionately Jewish Supreme Court means.
Many years ago I was compelled to take several courses in Political Science to satisfy my undergraduate degree requirements. While I was not necessarily looking forward to the subject, the hours I spent expanded on the rudimentary government and social science knowledge I unintentionally picked up in the public schools. It turned out to be pretty interesting and I did well in the subject.
I can still remember one lecture in particular that still sticks out in my mind. We were discussing the powers of the President, or the Executive branch, of the United States of America. The professor made a point that was both provocative and vexing for my young and impressionable mind.
During the lecture, the point was clearly made that the President was not an all-powerful position and had a fairly high degree of oversight by Congress. But that was old news from my public school days. The point from that lecture that really stood out then and now was speculation as to what the most powerful authority of the American Presidency actually was. The professor simply asked what was the most influential and enduring authority or privilege wielded by the President of the United States. The professor, a White, tenured member of the university, holding a PhD in Political Science, offered that perhaps it was the power of the president to nominate federal judges, including to the federal courts of appeals and to the Supreme Court that was the single most influential and lasting power.
Based on Article II, Section 2, paragraph 2, of the US Constitution, the President “shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, …. shall appoint……judges of the Supreme Court”. With the simple Senate majority confirmation, the Presidential nomination is confirmed and the Supreme Court Justice is appointed. Once appointed, a Supreme Court Justice has tenure for life. That means effectively that a Supreme Court Justice serves virtually for as long as they want to; until they die, resign, retire, or otherwise violate the prescribed “good Behavior.” If you understand one of the roles of the Supreme Court is interpreting what is and is not “Constitutional”, this is a pretty powerful and influential role.
I remember clearly that the professor did not state this as a matter of fact, but hinted that it was a matter of his own opinion. He noted that the answer was really not a matter of Constitutional law. He posed it more as a question allowing us to draw our own conclusions and to formulate our own opinions. That alone was enough to firmly plant this subject in my young and impressionable mind. And right or wrong, I too am of the opinion that the Executive authority to nominate federal judges, especially to the Supreme Court, is the most lasting and influential authority yielded by the president.
We could debate and argue that other authorities offered to the office of the President are or are not more powerful but that is not the important point right now.
The important point is that President Barrack Obama will have his second opportunity since taking office in January 2009 to nominate a Supreme Court Justice. With his first nomination, which was quickly confirmed by the Senate, Obama put the first Hispanic woman on the Supreme Court. With his second nomination Obama will have an opportunity to put yet another Jew on the Supreme Court; the first of the 21st century but certainly not the first.
Barrack Obama’s second Supreme Court Justice nomination, Elena Kagan (pictured left), will make for the eighth Jewish
Supreme court Justice to sit on the highest court in this country throughout its relatively short history. As mentioned earlier, all of these Jewish Supreme Court Justices were appointed and served during the 20th century or later. Elena Kagan would be the first Jewish Supreme Court Justice appointed in the 21st century, but the century is still young. So throughout the history of the Supreme Court, which was established in 1789, from George Washington’s original appointments to the current administrations appointments, it was not until the year before America entered the first World War that a Jew sat on the Supreme Court.
In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson, was the first to appoint a Jew to the Supreme Court, as well as the first to lie to the American people in order to get this country into a World War. Wilson appointed
Louis Dembitz Brandeis (pictured right), who was an open Zionist and the son of radical Jews from Eastern Europe. Brandeis joined the Zionist movement in 1912 and at one point was the Chairman of Provisional Committee for General Zionist Affairs. According to The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, in 1917, Louis Dembitz Brandeis discussed the Zionist problem and solutions in detail, outlining “all the phases of the Zionist problem” with Lord Balfour. A few months later the Balfour Declaration was signed and Palestine was cut up to form a “national home for the Jewish people” marking the birth of modern Israel.
There is no doubt that one of the driving forces and factors behind Brandeis’ presence on the Supreme Court was his devotion to Judaism, particularly from a Zionist perspective. While the term “communist” at that time was really only used to describe those involved with violent, revolutionary changes, Brandeis would today be considered a communist or at least a communist sympathizer. Many believe that it was, at least in part, the influence and opinion of Brandeis that led Wilson to lobby Congress to declare war on Germany in 1917. For sure, Wilson’s inaugural-Jewish-appointment to the Supreme Court changed the course of this country, in more ways than one. Louis Dembitz Brandeis became a leading Zionist force in the US and in the development of Israel as a new home for the Jews.
President Wilson’s appointment of a radical Jew, the first ever to sit on the Supreme Court, did not go without resistance though. But President Wilson was persistent and his loyalty to Brandeis was clear. Wilson tried to appoint Brandeis to be his Attorney General and later the Secretary of Commerce. He backed off of those appointments due to outcry against it. Once nominated to the Supreme Court, Brandeis’ nomination was hotly challenged.
Louis Dembitz Brandeis was called a radical and much more and he faced what another Jewish Supreme Court Justice would later call an “openly anti-Semitic” reception, both on the Court and beyond. In fact, according to the 1940 version of the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, the appointment and confirmation of Brandeis resulted in a historic battle. It was actually Brandeis’ ‘radicalism’ that prompted the debate. Eventually a petition was presented to the Senate to deny the appointment. The petition was signed by “seven former presidents of the American Bar Association, a former Secretary of State, and William Howard Taft, former President of the United States” as well as the President of Harvard. However, none of the protests won-out and Brandeis, one of the world’s greatest advocates of the Jewish takeover of Palestine, became a Justice on the Supreme Court.
Once President Wilson and Justice Louis Dembitz Brandeis shattered that once impenetrable Jewish-glass ceiling, exactly six more US Presidents would add to the list of Jewish Supreme Court Justices. Some of those are worth at least a quick review because I think that it helps put the latest Supreme Court Justice appointment into perspective. It will also allow us to draw some important conclusions about what to expect now and in the future.
In 1932, over a dozen years after Wilson appointed Brandeis but while Justice Brandeis was still serving, President Herbert Hoover appointed
Benjamin N. Cardozo (pictured left) to the Supreme Court. Cardozo was a member of the Zionist Organization of America. It was the radical pioneer Hebraic Supreme Court Justice Dembitz Brandies that really encouraged and guided Cardozo into the Zionist movement. But being an ardent Zionist Jew was not enough to prevent appointment to the high court.
At that time, Zionism had really become a politically-correct subject and it was not really until Zionism and Communism collided that the political correctness of Zionism started to lose its luster. But it was not until the 1950s and McCarthyism that these two isms really started to lose public popularity. Interestingly enough, back then it was okay to be a Zionist, but being Jewish would not win you much popularity. The times did start changing though and during those early decades preceding and following the WWII era, long before Stephen Spielberg historians and Hollywood made their mark on the history books and collective attitudes and opinions of the American public, Jews had made some good friends in Washington.
Once Washington became properly indoctrinated in the will of the Tribe, the frequency of Jewish Supreme Court Justices picked up. In 1939, as an appointment of President Franklin Roosevelt, Felix Frankfurter
(below right) became the third Jew to be appointed and confirmed to the Supreme Court. This was the same year the country’s first Jewish Supreme Court Justice, Justice Louis Brandeis, would retire from the court. And as ironic of a historic coincidence that may appear, it was Justice Brandeis who got Justice Frankfurter more involved and familiar with Zionism. And objective historians will note that it was Justice Brandeis retirement that brought in Justice Frankfurter, an often repeated Jewish quid pro quo for a Jewish seat on the Court.
A quick review of Justice Frankfurter’s resume leads to the same conclusions as does a quick review of Brandeis’s resume. A liberal activist, Frankfurter was a founder of the American Civil Liberties Union, an advisory lawyer and member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), and much, much more. He too could be considered a communist or at least a communist sympathizer. Just like Justice Cardozo, Justice Frankfurter followed the opinion and advice of Justice Brandeis to become a member of the Zionist Organization of America. Furthermore, in 1917 Justice Brandeis and Felix Frankfurter lobbied President Wilson to support the Balfour Declaration. A year later, in 1918, Frankfurter was a participant in the founding of the American Jewish Congress.
It should be obvious but also noted that President Franklin Roosevelt and President Woodrow Wilson had more in common than just the appointments of Jews to the Supreme Court, Wilson with the first, Roosevelt with the third. Both (pictured left) of these US Presidents lied to the American people in order to get this country into a World War. Both ran an election campaign promising to keep America out of these World Wars and both quickly broke these promises once in office. Of course, both also had Jews whispering in their ears to help guide them through it all. For sure, you cannot rely on Spielbergian historians to draw some fairly obvious and valid conclusions about these two men, these two Presidents, the entrance of America into these two World Wars, and the presence and influence of Jews in Washington, including the Supreme Court. You just have to do a little research and keep an independent mind and the dots connect pretty quickly and clearly.
The same year Frankfurter was to retire and leave the Supreme Court down one Jew, 1962 to be exact, President John F. Kennedy would appoint the fourth Jew to the Supreme Court, Justice Arthur Joseph Goldberg (pictured right). Like Frankfurter before him, Goldberg was an advocate for the rights and protection of organized labor and attributed with the union-merger that created the AFL-CIO. You do not have to be a Marxist-scholar or Labor historian to see the common thread between communism and the origins of labor unions in this country. But you do have to think a little bit to connect all the Jewish influence - influence independent of any political party or event.
Another point worth mentioning about Justice Goldberg is the fact that he was a religious Jew, a so called “practicing Jew”, a Yeshiva boy, and held true to religious ceremonies and traditions. His Tribal predecessors, Brandeis, Cardozo, and Frankfurter, were not. The only importance to that fact is to note the irrelevance of actively practicing Judaism to understanding the power and influence of Jews. To a very large extent, it is a non-factor for us. Don’t get confused and misguided by the ideological fly-paper of religion when you attempt to understand or communicate anything regarding Jews.
By the time Arthur Goldberg was appointed and confirmed to the Supreme Court, Spielbergian history was still in its infancy but it would soon start to grow exponentially. If you follow the career of Justice Goldberg close enough you will learn a great deal about his influence on both this country, but also Israel. At one point, during WWII, Goldberg was actually an international CIA spy. Technically he was a spy for The Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the WWII era predecessor of the CIA. Beyond those golden years, Justice Goldberg would eventually become the President of the American Jewish Committee and was of course another faithful Zionist.
In fact, after his short tenure on the Supreme Court, he was appointed by President Johnson (pictured left with Goldberg) to be the American Ambassador to the United Nations. That alone was extraordinary enough; going from an appointment for-life on the Supreme Court to a US ambassador to the UN. Factor in international espionage with all of that and the extraordinary becomes the phenomenal, or shocking depending which way you spin your dreidl.
As the ambassador to the UN, the timing coincided nicely with The Six Day War, which was the single event that would catapult Israel from her 1948 small-state status to the most powerful country in the Middle East. The Six Day War allowed Israel to expand its borders dramatically, capturing Jerusalem, the Sinai, the Gaza strip, the West Bank and more. These are areas still hotly contested today. When Israel pulled its attack, which by the way included the attack on the USS Liberty, Ambassador Goldberg instantly and ferociously backed Israel’s play at the United Nations claiming Egypt "fired the first shot." A claim that never held scrutiny historically and was always refuted by Egypt and the rest of Israel’s enemies, but was enough to allow for Israeli success during The Six Day war.
When Kennedy was assassinated and replaced by President Lyndon Baines Johnson, Justice Goldberg was tapped on the shoulder to be the new Ambassador to the United Nations. In what has seemed to be another Jewish quid pro quo, Johnson would appoint the Jewish Abe Fortas, another noted Zionist.
Fortas was a lawyer that defended Jews in the 1950s targeted under the McCarthyism efforts. Certainly a Jew’s Jew, Justice Fortas was plagued with ethics issues but that did not stop President Johnson from attempting to appoint Justice Abe Fortas (pictured right) to be the first Jewish Supreme Court Chief Justice . But that one was met with too much resistance, resulting in a Senate filibuster. Much of the resistance was based on an ethics investigation involving a Jewish Wall Street financier, Louis Wolfson, who had put Justice Fortas on a $20,000 per-year for-life retainer. This proved too much for Fortas who would soon after resign from the court.
That seemed to end the continuous “Jewish seat” fulfillment on the Supreme Court. The controversial and embarrassing episode with Justice Fortas would leave the Supreme Court Jew-less, or non-Kosher, for over twenty years.
That was an extremely significant twenty years when it comes to Jewish influence on American society, from politics, government, culture, law, and virtually everything in between. The Jewish controlled mass media laid its foundation and grew. But at the same time, the seemingly obvious Jewish quid pro quo system that kept a Kosher Supreme Court, even a Zionist, Kosher Supreme Court, for over half a century, seemed to hit a gap. The gap started in 1969 with the resignation of Justice Abe Fortas. For sure this gap did not extend beyond the Supreme Court and Jewish influence on American society really did not slow. But for the Supreme Court, Washington just needed some extra Jewish inspiration to fill that gap which quickly came.
That inspiration would come in a serious way from the election of William Jefferson Clinton, Slick Willy for those that know him best. President Bill Clinton would appoint the two Jews now sitting on the current Supreme Court. But that was merely a small contribution Bill Clinton would make to revive the official Jewish influence and presence of Jews in Washington. Additionally, his nearly 100% Kosher National Security Council, his Kosher Senior Directors and Advisors, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, and on and on, would dramatically accelerate Jewish influence in Washington. It was simply stunning. President Bill Clinton had such a Jewish saturated administration it would make President Franklin Roosevelt and President Woodrow Wilson blush. But that is old news to all of us by now, or at least I hope it is.
In 1993, Slick Willy appointed Ruth Bader Ginsburg (pictured left) to the Supreme Court. A year later, in 1994, Slick Willy would appoint Stephen Breyer (pictured below, right with Clinton) to the Supreme Court. Both Jewish, both are millionaires and both would go a long way to play catch-up on the “Jewish seat” fulfillment. Despite the fulfillment of the Supreme Court “Jewish seat”, which had remained empty for almost two and a half decades, the fact that Ginsburg and Breyer were in fact Jewish and fulfilling this semi-compulsory Jewish seat was not even a topic of debate or discussion.
This is an important point. As Justice Ginsburg stated during a speech at the Touro Synagogue discussing her and Breyer’s appointments, “both of us take pride in, and draw strength from, our heritage, but our religion simply was not relevant to (our) appointments.” But it is precisely the pride and strength of their Jewish heritage that we should be worried about. It is the same pride and strength that drove Brandeis, Cardozo, Frankfurter, Goldberg, and Fortas before Ginsburg and Breyer started serving.
For starters, Ruth Ginsburg’s maternal grandfather was an ultra-Orthodox Jew who once destroyed his son’s bicycle when he was caught riding it on the Sabbath. Justice Ginsburg virtually abandoned Judaism mostly because of its slant against women and its exclusion of them from important rituals. When she says religion is not relevant she means it. But likewise, despite the religion of Judaism and it’s somewhat sexist biases (shame on you Abraham!) Ginsberg is very proud to be a Jew and she is not ashamed to admit it and embraces the Jewish worldview on matters. Justice Ginsburg is a vocal and active feminist and was once Director of the ACLU’s Women’s Rights Project.
At one point Ginsberg applied for a clerkship under Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter. You remember him, the liberal activist, NAACP lawyer, member of the Zionist Organization of America, and third Jewish Supreme Court Justice. Frankfurter apparently turned Ginsburg down because it was not standard for Justices to have female clerks at that time. Her Clintonista peer, Justice Stephen Breyer, once clerked for Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg. You remember him, the faithful Zionist, religious Jew, international spy, point-man at the UN during The Six Day War, the President of the American Jewish Committee, and the fourth Jewish Supreme Court Justice. Also, I think I already mentioned, according to the Jewish news weekly, Justice Ginsburg and Justice Breyer are “far and away the richest justices” on the Supreme Court (and we are talking ranges in the $14-24 million!)
So now we are set to add to the existing Jewish held Supreme Court seats with President Obama’s nomination of Elena Kagan. This would be the third Jewish Justice sitting on the current Supreme Court, unparalleled in the history of this country. So with a representation of roughly 2% of the entire United States citizenry, the Jews would represent the Supreme Court with over 30% of the Justices. Once again, with the popularity of Obama and the strong Democrat majority in the Senate, this Supreme Court nomination will not meet anything more than a formality of resistance.
While the Rabbinical Alliance of America is saying Kagan is not Kosher enough for its tastes, albeit the same tastes that alienated Ginsberg, don’t let any of that fool you. A bit more reveling to me but ultimately irrelevant as to the course of action coming, Elena Kagan has called the President of the Supreme Court of Israel, Aharon Barak, her personal "judicial hero" but that won’t matter in the end (read more about Aharon Barak here). Even though President Aharon Barak has been called the most activist judge in the world, and that by fellow Jews, even though he considers himself a Zionist, none of that will matter. Despite the fact that soon to be Justice Kagan has absolutely no judicial experience, has never argued a case in front of a jury, has never been a judge (incidentally, making her the first Supreme Court nominee in almost 40 years to not have been a judge), it simply does not matter.
What does matter? Well it does not hurt that she seems to at odds with “Don’t ask don’t tell” or anything not warmly embracing of homosexuality, at least leaning toward pro-abortion, typically an opponent for gun rights, all of which curry favor with the Obama administration and the rest of the Kosher crew in charge, a noted political animal that earned her stripes within the Clinton administration, that does not really matter either. What matters is that she is Jewish. She is Jewish and the third Jew to sit on the court, perhaps in preparation for the fossilized Justice Ginsberg to retire with confidence.
What should matter to you? That she is Jewish. Period. Who cares whether or not she takes her Happy Meal Kosher or whether she attends synagogue and refuses to ride her bike on the Sabbath. The fact that she is another Jew and she is about to be sitting as a Justice on the highest court in the land; the Supreme Court of the United State of America. And if you disagree with me and my former Political Science professor and do not think sitting on the Supreme Court is all that important, you probably should do a little more research on the matter.
According to Justice Ruth Ginsberg herself, the Jews certainly think it is important and almost always have. She was describing the man who almost became the first Jewish Supreme Court Justice, beating Brandeis to that spot by almost sixty years. Speaking at a synagogue, Ginsberg described Judah Benjamin (pictured right), a US Senator from Louisiana who in 1853 declined his nomination to the Supreme Court preferring to stay in the Senate instead. In 2004, Justice Ginsberg proudly proclaimed that Judah Benjamin suffered through “virulent anti-Semitism” but opted away from the Supreme Court because it “had not yet become the co-equal branch of Government it is today”.
The fact that we will soon have the third sitting Jewish Supreme Court Justice is not a coincidence. The fact that President Barrack Obama’s second nomination to the Supreme Court is Jewish, is not a coincidence. The fact that of the three people to make it onto President Obama’s so called “short list” of potential Supreme Court Justices, two were Jewish, is not a coincidence. The fact that this would be the eighth Jewish Supreme court Justice, is not a coincidence. The fact that the Supreme Court has had a virtually non-stop Jewish presence for almost a century now, is not a coincidence. The correlation of the appointment of Zionist Jewish Supreme Court Justices and the birth of Israel is not a coincidence. The disproportional presence of Jews in our Federal government, including Presidential administrations, Congress, and the Supreme Court, is not a coincidence. Predominant Jewish influence and control of our mass media, is not a coincidence. The fact that they are Jews and have cleverly and consistently positioned themselves in these positions of power and influence is not a coincidence.
And as mentioned earlier, don’t let the concept of “religion” confuse you or be used to obfuscate the reality of being Jewish. Sure, Judaism is a well established religion but being Jewish does not mean you practice Judaism or that you have any clue as to a single tenet of that religion. You are born Jewish and may or may not practice the Jewish religion of Judaism. This is a very simple and obvious point but a point used to keep people confused about what Jews do.
So if you hear anybody in the government or media use the concept of religion in characterizing Jews, know they are lying to you and that is also not a coincidence. When the media talks about the latest Jew’s qualifications for the Supreme Court and preoccupies that coverage with discussion about her feelings on the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell policy”, know they are just trying to misdirect attention from more important issues. When the media makes nothing more than a whimsical chuckle about her being Jewish and more in light of her religious orientation, know they are deliberately deceiving you.
One more time, two completely fratricidal World Wars, the continuing nomination of more Jewish Supreme Court Justices, the rise of the near-monopoly Jewish control and ownership of our mass-media, the rise of Israel as an empire in the Middle East, our government’s unwavering support and obedience to Israel, all happened in 20th century and are all related. You can NOT separate these variables from the appointment of 100% of the Jewish Supreme Court Justices. All of these variables are 100% related and intertwined and you do not have to be a historical scholar to connect all the dots. You just have to be willing to take the time to research and think about it.
When you see media coverage of nomination of Elena Kagan keep all of this in mind. Understand that a Supreme Court Justice has a defined role to help us, you and me, understand and interpret the Constitution, where our Civil Liberties are defined. Where Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Press, Freedom of Religion, the right to own firearms, and so much more are defined; within the Constitution. It is the Supreme Court that decides how we must interpret all of this. This is a VERY powerful position to be in and The Tribe knows this well, perhaps much better than us.
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